Who we are...
Years ago, three mothers (Jodi, Laurie, and Mary Lynn) began an emotionally complex journey when their sons were diagnosed with cognitive and developmental disabilities. Like many other parents in this circumstance, they knew they would spend an exceptional amount of time navigating their children through a world that can be exceedingly difficult for a person with disabilities. They also believed that EVERYONE deserves a life of meaning and purpose based around relationships with other people. Of all the emotional needs in life, the most constant is love.
The harder emotions abound when you can’t change a world that doesn’t always embrace differences. However, because of the unconditional love we all have for our children, these mothers know their children need a place to belong and be a part of something bigger! The school system can provide tremendous services to these individuals until the age of 22 when the services are discontinued. According to society’s standards, the end of high school does not necessarily signify the beginning of a promising and fulfilling future for young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. It is the end of a comfortable, familiar support system of friends, teachers and mentors which have been provided for years through the school system. The mothers know that relationship development and community involvement is critical for everyone, including their sons!
They have a dream for their sons and other underserved individuals like them in our community. After months of research and field visits to similar programs in other cities, the formation of The Exceptional Way, Inc. was created. Our mission is to provide a day program and facility in Troup County to promote social and relationship development along with community involvement for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, the wellbeing of the families will be enriched knowing their loved one can thrive through these activities.

Our Programs
Bus Pick-up
Participant pick-up every morning

Weekly Activities
instruments, crafts, painting, singing, drama
exercise, dance, sports, games
cooking, etiquette, self care, social
storytelling, animals, sign language,
science experiments, show & tell,
theme days, LEGOS, gardening
In The Community